
It is always within the conclusions we have drawn from our life’s experience that we even act in the world at all.  Experience brings knowledge and Gnosis.  And yet one might perhaps, be surprised at how little the conclusions drawn from experience draw from memory.  Indeed, memory is a selected set of experiences that reinforce the drive of one’s created ego.  How unreasonable this might seem to some.

Please see the sermon video below, and the notes used to deliver the sermon below that.
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  1. The Value of Experience

    1. From the moment we are born, all exeriences are recorded.
    1A. In succession, each experience is analyzed & as if filed w/conslcusions drawn.
    1B. The succeeding set of experiences show each new experience from the perspective of the aggregate of previous experiences.
    1C. In time, the aggregate then begins to foment an inherent destiny by way of responses to stimuli.
    2. Experience is met w/our ability to understand and sort through them.
    2A. We classify experiences; initially from like & dislike & ultimately to a greater spread of categories, as comes w/sophistication.
    2B. And as ann inner life evolves through these experience, we begin to have inner, as well as outer experiences.
    2B1. There forms a world within & a world without us.
    3. With the course of years & millions upon millions of momentary experiences, we cannot hold all expeeriences in our memory. And they form the subconscious.
    3A. Knee-jerk reactions are one way to show us these subconscious memories.
    3A1. Psychotherapy is a path into these forgotten memories.
    3B. Intuition evolves from these experiences.
    3C. Ultimately, wisdom comes out of these experiences.
    4. The strength & force of each exeprience can vary in the impression it makes on the mind.
    4A. Fear, pain, anger or the stronger emotions tend to hold more weight.
    4B. But inspiration and joy also hold strong places.
    5. Moving into the sub-conscious, we find yet, a deeper level where we connect to the shared experiences of our race. And some mystics teach that we need to learn to surrender our individual experiences to this collective unconscious.
    5A. This is the rendering unto God; what is God’s.
    5A1. Our outer behavior is the the rendering unto Caesar; what is Caesar’s.
    6. In our intuition, we gain contact with this collective unconscious. And this is how we can teruly come to know things, as discussed in the doctrine of the 4 yods (of the Rosicrucian Mass).
    6A. Each individual perspective can hold unique truths in the evaluation of any common object.
    6A1. All perspectives cotnribute to one greater truth.
    7. Valid & Invalid experiences each have a role in the devlopment of the intuition.
    7A. True or valid and/or wholesome experiences raise the potency of the intuition, as false, invalid & unwholesome experiences can pervert the operation & applicateion of the intuition.
    7A1. Superstitious doctrines create false fears & neuroses that then mislead the intution.
    7B. Education & the knowledge gained from it can guide the intuition in an evolutionary manner.
    7B1. Creativity & impeccable behavior comes from this–the nature of the automatic conscioousness (from the Zelator)
    7B2. The darkness of mind comes from the lack of education & the only automatic consiousness is pleasure & pain.
    7B2a. Superstition and anger flow from this lacking.


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