Gnosis is a state of mind, as Gnosticism is about the praxis of obtaining Gnosis. Gnosticism then, becomes doctrinal, which seems the antithesis to Gnosis, as it has the potential of getting in the way of individual experience. There is a tact that becomes necessary in our congregation that must seek to respect and admire the individual genius inherent in each of us. And this must be planted at the root of our doctrine.

Please see the sermon video below, and the notes used to deliver the sermon below that.

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    1. I thoroughly enjoyed your Sermon. Wonderful information to inspire people to look further. Oh yea! and Toto too!(hopefully appreciated humor)


  1. Sermon Notes
    Gnosis & Gnosticism

    1. It is easier to ask ‘What is Gnosticism’ than ‘What is Gnosis.’ So we’ll tackle this first.
    1A. Gnosticism is doctrinal, which can get in the way of individual experience, as it generates the tendency to form a belief structure.
    1B. Gnosticism then, is more about ‘group think.’
    1B1. However, as a general praxis, Gnosticism can hold methods of correspondence that relate to common metaphysical truths or insights. The Qabalah denotes this by mapping the human soul.
    1B1a. We hold that belief in any deity is innately superstitious.
    1B1a1. But it’s not that we deny the existence of God, we simply say there is a path to KNOWING the Divine.
    1B1a1a. our Doctrine is then, a method or praxis.
    1C. Our doctrine is then focused on the individual, and as a group, we hold the individual to be sacred.
    1C1. We therefore, do not declare a moral code, in that we recognzie what is good for one may not be good for all; e.g., drug use as a perfect example.
    1C1a. When the spirit leaves the temple, morality rushes in to fill the void–the abomination of desolation; not to be confused w/the metaphysics of the Stele-of-Revealing.
    1D. Our doctrine is then about a praxis & a shared philosophical perspective.
    1D1. But first we must note two essential problems:
    1D1a. Ancient Gnosticism is often discussed as if there was one cosmogany; Sophia, Demiurge & Spirit trapped in matter, when it was far more pluriform (cf. our website: Gnostic Archives). Today, we propose the idea of spirit liberated in matter.
    1D1b. Thelema is about modern Gnosticism; however Crowley’s association with this has been very much confused by the Yellow Press.
    1E. In the general doctrine of the ancient Gnostics, a major theme was to escape the moral coil; being trapped in the domain of the Emiurge; again, for some sects, but not all.
    1E1. Today, we’re more about escape from propaganda & conditioning–those like we in the GCL who want out of the mindless ‘group think.’
    1E1a. We seek to cultivate genius or personality in our congrgation. The automaton has no personality.

    2. We move now, to the individual seeking Gnosis. This starts with a general disdain for spiritual authority & orthodoxy.
    2A. Indeed, we can recognize the individual that comes our way, as a misfit in general society.
    2A1. Pulling away from social conditioning & mainstream thinking is really the first step towards the formulation of personality & individual genius.
    2A1a. The individual seeks to have one’s own thoughts & not the thoughts one is supposed to have.
    2B. Gnostic praxis for the individual is then about exploring the ‘unexplored country’ that is the human soul.
    2B1. The individual seeks to ‘know thyself’ by coming to understand the inner & outer realities through the various modes of perception available.
    2C. We can note at the outset that finding the real soul that is free of the mindless conditioning that is necessary for the ‘machine,’ develops integrity & authenticity in one’s character.
    2C1. Per Carl Jung, “People measure their self-knowledge by what the average person in their social environment know of himself, but not by the real psychic facts, which are for the most part, hidden from them.
    2C1a. The individual Gnostic seeks Gnosis rom direct revelation, through dreams, visions & the individual interpretation of the revelations of fellow Gnostics & sacred scriptures.
    2C1a1. The Holy Books of Thelema & others.
    2C1b. To develop wakeful dreaming & the creative process that comes about through daydreams, rumination & study, as well as scrying is one key.
    2C1b1. This can put us in contact with inner wisdome figures that are archetypal; the great mages & prophets.
    2C1c. Per Carl Jung: “[sic] we shoudl talk aobut our animus or anima…listen to the inner mentor…”
    2C1c1. Jung notes that eventually “you develop an inner ear; or you write automatically, or a word is formed by your hand, or your mouth speaks that which you have not thought.”

    3. Gnosis then, refers to knowledge that transcends knowledge normally acquired through empirical reasoning or rational thought.
    3A. It is intuitive knowledge that comes from inner plane or praeternatural contact.
    3A1. Prophecy
    3B. Gnosis involves a depth of mind that is ultimately, timeless, & through its attainment, one achieves ‘salvation’–a soteriological perspective, or immortality, by the formulation of a soul.
    3B1. The soul is not a given; this lie provided by superstitious religions that seek to control your thoughts.
    3B1a. It must be created through the formulation of a personality.


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