
We emerge from the unconsciousness of our birth to the development of a sense of self.  But as we live in the modern world, the struggle is for overcoming the alienation that comes part and parcel with living.  In order to do this, we need yet, to develop ‘a sense of life’–that feeling of beingness that informs us of our inherent divinity.  Mythology has always been the key to this for all cultures and in all times.  Both Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung have shown us that despite the apparent differences in the stories in each of these cultures, they have all produced parallel ideas; the collective unconscious being that which intimately connects the whole of the human race.

Please see the sermon video below, and the notes used to deliver the sermon below that.
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  1. A Sense of Life
    Sermon Notes

    1. Joseph Campbell said that mythology doesn’t provide meaning for our lives. But rather, it provides a sense of life. Purpose & meaning are then, secondard qualities to this sense of life.
    1A. Life emerges from unconsciousness. I this same way, the QBL shows us the Tree-of-Life (consciousness) emerging from the AIN (NOT).
    1B. The baby has no perception until sensations begin to bombard its senses. from this, a simple sense of being emerges, which can be felt as well-being or discomfort.
    1B1. For that matter, the child becomes entirely consumed by want & need. And the adult rarely outgrows this.
    1B1a. Narcissism is a natural phenomenal trait in the human mind.
    1B2. The child ultimately comes to understand his or her own separateness; reaching into puberty to find a sense of individulality & uniqueness.
    1B2a. “me first”
    1B3. It is the adult that must get to the point of understanding “beingness”; a sense of life.
    1B3a. This is the ‘waking up’ to “Thou” that Thelemites refer to, as NUIT.
    1B3b. Mythology provides for us, a parade of heroes that undertake what is called the ‘hero’s journey.’
    1B3b1. It is a journey written, that is simultaneously connected to something greater than the self.

    2. Included with a sense of life, must be also, a sense of place; what some mystics & mages call ‘sacred space.’
    2A. For the mystic, mythology serves this purpose; establishing heroic events and deeds at certain locales, such as Golgotha or the Dome of the rock or the Temple Mount.
    2A1. Countries are founded by heroes; miracles of diving providence are commemorated in shrines. Chruches, temples & mosques are designed to evoke a sense of sacredness in their space.
    2A1. These present a living history that is intimately connected to beingness.
    2B. For the mage, symbolism is the key to sacred space.
    2B1. The symbols connected to archetypes of consciousness demonstrate the mind as a field of sacred space.
    2B2. The temple of the mage becomes an evocative, archetypal space; filled w/sacred symbols.

    3. A sense of life is then, the perception of pure consciousness, or pure will.
    3A. “For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.”
    3B. Some may come to this perception in brief moments of flashing revelation. And others may develop a more permanent sensibility.
    3B1. There is a vedantic exercise that works quite well in enabling this.
    3B1a. Listening to your thoughts, one finds the silent listener.
    3B1a1. This is that pure will.
    3B1a2. In the Doctrine of the 4 Yods of the RM, we also call this the Intuition.

    4. We then can gains greater insight into the nature of the 4 powers of the Sphinx.
    a. To Know–Gnosis; Knowledge of the self.
    b. To Will–Knowledge of self produces a sense of life.
    c. To Dare–To engage the will & reach to that which is beyond the self.
    d. To Be Silent–Full consciousness of self & not-self; i.e. Pure Consciousness…Pure Will in its most essential form: LOVE.


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