To begin the process of working the spiritual virtue called Detachment, we get to the heart of how to ‘know thyself. It’s where the Will pushes forward its subtle voice; out into the world. And from the perspective of the world, the Will is able to find an objective Idea of itself; free from all and any subjective obsession. I shows itself, as a mirror of the Self to the Self and the ruminating ego.

Please see the sermon video below, and the notes used to deliver the sermon below that.

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  1. Sermon Notes

    1. Detachment is defined as a state of being objective or aloof.
    1A. It seems this refers to on’es disposition towards others, or the world in general.
    1A1. But that seems, as much, that we could be referring to a nihilistic state.
    1A1a. Apathy, which is often considered an extreme form of anger.
    1B. If turned on oneself, such objectivity could provide the space for one to get outside one’s own subjective box.
    1B1. This can create the space where one can examine oneself.
    1B1a. One’s desires, pain and joy; searching through memories and experiences.

    2. By this, one can recaptitulate the past; not just bringing it into the present for a new understanding, but also to discover patterns and tendencies in our behavior.
    2A. Here’s where diary keeping can of great value.
    2A1. To just sit and think, isn’t enough to hold our concentration.
    2A1a. But to write can bring us to great detail in our memory.

    3. Subjectivity tends to crystallize the self; preventing us from conscious change and growth.
    3A. More often than not, we tend to focus on our pain and trauma, as we forget out inner and natural joy and wonder.
    3B. Our habits put us on automatic pilot in both thought and deed.
    3C. We also generate defense mechanisms that seal out the world, as these insulate our thoughts.

    4. Many of us find the world pressing on us to the point that we feel trapped and forced to suffer our current circumstances.
    4A. The inner voice tells us that we have no choice on freedom to improve upon our situation.
    4A1. This, the existentialists call ‘bad faith,’ as we always have such inner choices.
    4A2. It’s a fear of freedom that sits innate in our unconscious thoughts.
    4B. We then develop an obedience to authority reflected in our finding some tyrant to rule over and protect us in this life.
    4B1. This represents a dysfunctional detachemnt from the self and not an objective viewpoint.
    4B1a. Ego-losers argue there is virtue in this, if that tryant is some god or great teacher.
    4B1a1. I put my trust in Jesus.
    4B1a2. I take refuge in the Buddha.
    4B1b. The self is maligned by them and postulated as the source of sin or sorrow.

    5. Self-objectivity requires that we step outside ourselves to take a fresh look at our lives.
    5A. It starts with taking a personal inventory of our lives an the conscious decisions we have made in our lives.
    5A1. One might start with one’s beliefs.
    5A1a. Why should I get married?
    Why have I chosen this career?
    Do I need this house, or this fancy car?
    Do I need x-box, Nintendo, and all the forms of entertainment?
    5A1a1. Do these things bring meaning to my life?

    6. Spiritual Detachment is a process that frees us from whatever inteferes with our spiritual growth.
    6A. We begin by developing the discipline that helps us to consciously avoid the unconscious flight of moving from pain towards pleasure.
    6A1. Some pain is necessary and some plasure is unnecessary.
    6A1a. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone leads to grwoth.
    6A1b. Binge-watching TV wastes valuable time.
    6B. Avoiding disordered situations, inclinations and tendencies is a major key.
    6B1. Disordered relationships with people and things robs us of our vitality and potency.
    6B1a. Dysfunctional relationship can be entirely destructive.
    6B1b. Identifying with our possesions buiild the self on a false foundation.
    6B2. It’s not that one should own nothing; but that nothing should own you.
    6B2a. One should never strive to own anyone; as no one should be allowed to own you.
    6B2a1. Manipulative tacics and gaslighting.

    7. Note that both our negative and positive experiences both contribute to who and what we are.
    7A. Find a way to own them and discover how they contribute to your character.

    8. A few general rules:
    8A. Allow others to be who they are; whether or not you respect them.
    8B. Allow yourself to be who you are and take pride in yourself.
    8C. Don’t try to force unresolved situations, but allow solutions to emerge.
    8D. Learn to embrace uncertainty and to see it as your path to freedom.


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